Change Country location setting via Registry

User Locales Set To US - O/S Other general discussion Oct 25, 2004 How can I parse regional date and time strings returned by I am using a COM server which returns a date string to MATLAB using the regional settings of the Windows operating system. I would like to parse this string using the function DATEVEC without knowing the system's date and string format beforehand.

It's done through a Computer Group Policy Preference Registry collection (Computer Configuration-> Preferences-> Windows Settings-> Registry), and the registry subkeys you want are located under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International.

Feb 07, 2007 Setting Regionial Settings for several profiles on one

May 08, 2018 · HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics. Find the key called BorderWidth and change it to any value between 0 and 50. It’s defaulted to -15, which is some odd numbering scheme employed by Microsoft which I don’t really get. Luckily, you can just use 0 to 50 for this registry setting instead of the crazy negative numbers.

Since none of the regional options in nLite change the Location, Ive found where the registry key exists for it:[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International\Geo]Nation=39But there is also keys for every user (S-1-5-18, S-1-5-19, etc) and a default one here:[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Int