There are some programs that claim to optimize speed in Vuze. Such programs are a scam and generally contain adware or spyware. I have seen it said, by the developers of all bittorrent programs, that nothing will increase your download speed in a bittorrent client more than the basic steps set forth herein.

10+ Easy Tips To Increase Torrent Download Speed Choose The Right BitTorrent Client. The first ultimate step is to pick the right BitTorrent Client. … Speed up Vuze download to 4Mbps-2014 Latest Settings Jan 18, 2014 Why is Vuze so slow? | Mar 22, 2011 Slow Download & Upload Speed on Windows 10 - Fix

How do i get a faster download speed on Vuze Torrent

How to Speed up your Torrent Downloads

Optimize your Internet speed Optimize your Internet speed. Learn about the factors that can affect Internet speed—and steps you can take to get the most out of your Internet service. Did you know your Internet speed is shared? Every connected device in your home uses some of your Internet speed.

Slow Download & Upload Speed on Windows 10 - Fix