13.10.16: - Switch to libressl as openssl deprecated from alpine linux and deluge dependency no longer installs 30.09.16: - Fix umask. 09.09.16: - Add layer badges to README.

Jun 15, 2020 · Get the latest version of Deluge for Linux - Deluge is a fully-featured cross-platform BitTorrent client Deluge can be run in text-only mode via the deluge-console command. Requires first running the deluge daemon deluged. Utilizing the deluge daemon deluged allows remotely connecting to it, and using any front-end interface. Deluge is an open source and cross-platform torrent downloader application, a full featured BitTorrent client for GNU/Linux, BSD, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. It is entirely based on the libtorrent library. The application is based on the libtorrent library, which means that it This will install it, set up the daemon, and connect to its console: sudo apt-get install deluge deluged deluge-console. deluged. deluge-console. You can then add torrents like: Jul 30, 2019 · The version of the Deluge torrent client that we will be installing contains its web interface. The Deluge web interface will allow you to manage your torrents from any web browser easily. To install Deluge, deluges web interface module and the python module the web interface requires we run the command below. Sep 02, 2016 · Install Deluge on Windows and Configure ThinClient. We will install Deluge on Windows 10 (it is the same procedure for all the supported Windows versions). Download Deluge for Windows from Deluge's official site, select the latest version (at the moment of writing this guide it is version and install. When ready, start Deluge. Apr 23, 2020 · Deluge is a BitTorrent client that is supported by most Operating Systems, such as Linux, Windows, MacOS, and BSD Unix. The great thing about Deluge is that it is open source, free, and comes without annoying ads.

2016-2-13 · Linux中任何窗口的标题栏上右键可以弹出窗口调整菜单,快捷键为Alt + 空格键。即便没有边框使用快捷键依然可以调出该菜单,选择菜单中的调整大小,拖动鼠标调整窗口至合适大小即可。5. LauncherFolders 将Launcher上的应用归类放入一个文件夹(智能

Deluge Download for Linux (apk, deb, eopkg, rpm, txz, xz, zst) Arch Linux Extra armv7h Official: deluge-2.0.4.dev38+g23a48dd01-1-any.pkg.tar.xz: BitTorrent client with multiple user interfaces in a client/server model: Arch Linux Extra x86_64 Official: deluge-2.0.4.dev38+g23a48dd01-1-any.pkg.tar.zst: BitTorrent client with multiple user interfaces in … Deluge(软件名)_百度百科 Deluge 是一个通过PyGTK建立图形界面的BitTorrent客户端,后端使用libtorrent。 Deluge可以在多个平台上使用,如Linux,*BSD,Mac OS和其他类UNIX操作系统。该项目的目标是要在GTK框架上建立一个原生和全功能的BitTorrent客户端。

2016-5-23 · Deluge 是一款免费的 BT 传输软件,它与目前市面上的 BT 传输软件最大的差别就在于完整的平台支持度,几乎各种主流的操作系统( Windows 、 Linux 、 Mac OS )上都可以发现它的踪影,让拥有多个操作系统的使用者即使换了使用的操作系统,也

Set Up A Headless Deluge Server on Linux - LinuxConfig.org 2 days ago · Arch Linux # pacman -S deluge Configure Your Server You're going to need to do some setup on your server before you can take full advantage of it. The first thing that you're going to need is a user to run the Deluge daemon. Using a separate user is both more secure and lets the daemon run autonomously more easily. Start by setting up a group Debian/Ubuntu 轻量BT下载工具Deluge编译安装 … 2020-4-16 · 介绍Deluge 是一个轻量级的 BT 客户端,支持众多的插件功能,上传下载速度飞起,也是博主一直使用的 BT/PT 工具Deluge 也是国外 PT 站,使用最多的工具,博主感觉对于连接性来说 在Ubuntu中使用PPA安装Deluge BitTorrent客户端